Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Vodder news

The 2013 February Vodder News is now ready for reading!

In this issue read about:

  • The Walchsee Lymphology conference
  • A new way to bandage the hand
Please also see the schedule at the end of the newsletter about upcoming

To get to the Vodder News, simply click on the link below.
Alternatively, retype or copy and paste it into the address bar of
your webpage browser.
The link is www.vodderschool.com/vodder_news

Back issues of Vodder News can be viewed from the same page

Monday, February 4, 2013

LANA revised requirements for exam

Effective January 1st, 2013: The Board of Directors of the Lymphology Association of North America has revised the eligibility requirements to sit for the LANA examination. Applicants who meet all other requirements will no longer have to obtain one year of experience in treating clients with lymphedema before submitting an application to sit for the exam. This revision is in line with many certifying and licensing bodies that administer their certification examinations soon after completion of training. This change will allow qualified individuals to submit applications in a more flexible time frame throughout the year based on their readiness to take the exam. All other requirements for eligibility are the same. Candidates should refer to the Candidate Information Brochure on the LANA website, www.clt-lana.org